Beat Me in an Argument

Try it. You can't.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The "bad" gene

It doesn't take a genius to come to the conclusion that the Republicans are bad and the Democrats are good, but what made them this way? Do Democrats have a "good" gene that makes them do things like hating wars and giving stuff to the poor? Are Republicans merely raised from birth to pander to corporate interests at the expense of the polar ice caps? The answer to this question could determine the future of the planet.

What say you?


At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok but if we were talking about black Republicans, having a bad gene would mean they were really good, right?

At 9:39 AM, Blogger chris said...

Anonymous, your grasp of logic, your command of nuanced political analysis, and your grammar are all beyond reproach. At last, a worthy opponent. I do, however, have one small caveat regarding your argument: You're an idiot.

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, if what you say is true, that Republicans are genetically predisposed to evil, how do you explain Abraham Lincoln? Are you implying that freeing the slaves was a "bad" thing? If so, 1. Why do you hate black people?; 2. Do you know where I can get a decent pirogi around here?

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keohane, you've committed one of the two basic formal logical fallacies; viz., Denying the Antecedent, in that if it follows from Republicans being genetically defective that they commit acts of evil, then if Abraham Lincoln committed an act of decency, it follows ineluctably that it wasn't decent, which...Wait, you need Predicate Notation to keep track of this shit. For all x then (if Rx (x is a Republican) --> Ex (x does the work of Satan)) and (if there exists an x such that Gx (x does good things) then not (Ex and Gx)). Which implies that there does not exist an x such that (Rx and Gx). Which all means Lincoln didn't free shit and that you are all a bunch of flaming fucking faggots.

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting, in a early '90s Will-Self's-Quantity-Theory-of-Insanity sort of way, but what you failed to consider in your computations is FUCK YOU YOU ARE GAY.

There. Sorted.


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